Archive for the ‘General’ Category

SCaLE 7x Call For Papers Nearly Complete

Monday, December 22nd, 2008
SCALE 7x - Feb 20 - 22, 2009

If you submitted a proposal for SCaLE this year, keep an eye on your e-mail inbox!

Last night the SCaLE 7x team met on IRC and went over the final selections for the Call For Papers.  I think everyone will be impressed by this year’s line up.   Sometimes it amazes me how much the quality of the submissions has improved over the years.   Despite all of this we still managed to wrap up at a reasonable hour.

After several rounds of review and discussion on IRC, we managed to narrow down the list of over 150 presentations proposals down to about 50 we will accept.  As usual there was a lot of debate over many of the presentations, and despite having added an additional track this year we still could not fit all the presentations we wanted into the schedule.

Before you ask me for the list of final speakers or if you have been acceptedl I’ll give you fair warning, that there are still a few final details and administrativa to sort out before we announce the selections.  We are however significantly closer now, and if you submitted a proposal this year you should at least be hearing from the CFP team this week with a status update.

One thing I hope we can work on for next year’s event is automate the call for papers submission process with submition forms on the website, rather than using e-mail and our internal wiki.  We did an amazing job with re-writing and improving our registration system last year.  This year we focused on converting the website to drupal, so that maitenance could be more easily spread across the team via workflows.  Next year, I’d really like to see us work on an automated system for proposals similar to what LFNW, OSCON, and ApacheCon have done in recent years.  I’m going to try and blog some notes on features I’d want to see for that webapp in the coming weeks while the ideas are still fresh in my mind.

Anyways, so far SCaLE is looking like it will be extremely exciting this year.  I hope to see you all there.

Please note that the follow areas are still open for submissions and close on December 31, 2008:

We also still have a sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities avaialble.  If your organization would like to exhibit at or support this year’s event please drop me a line (sponsorship [at]

Hold your politicians accountable for PRO-IP

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008

On October 13th, Bush signed the PRO-IP bill into law, ignoring calls to veto it and pretty clear indications that the bill was promoted using completely fabricated statistics. The head of the RIAA said the bill was “music to the ears.” But just because the bill has passed doesn’t mean this issue is dead.

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